Turtles All the Way Down / John Green


Green, John

Edité par Penguin books | 2017

Meet Aza Holmes. She’s a teenager, bright but hemmed in by troubles: introverted, obsessed by bacteria and the transmission of disease, her every thought is edged by doubt and reflection. Daisy, however, is her Best and Most Fearless Friend, and Daisy has a plan. A plan involving a missing billionaire and the promise of a hundred thousand dollar reward, money that could be theirs if only they could figure out where he has gone. That’s where Russell comes in, and that’s where things start to get really interesting.

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Vidéo - 2014 - Saint Laurent / Bertrand Bonello, réal.

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Ciné-Musique | F BONE | DVD | En prêt | 05/04/2025


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Bertrand Bonello, né le 11 septembre 1968 à Nice, est un réalisateur, scénariste, producteur de cinéma, compositeur et acteur français.