Dog days / Jeff Kinney

Diary of a wimpy kid, volume 04


Kinney, Jeff

Edité par Puffin Books | 2009

Now in paperback - the fourth mega-selling instalment in the hilarious Diary of a Wimpy Kid series! The way I like to spend my summer holidays is in front of the TV, playing video games with the curtains closed and the light turned off. Unfortunately, Mom's idea of the perfect summer holiday is different from mine. Greg's mom has a vision of "family togetherness" that really doesn't sound a whole lot of fun. But there's a brand-new addition to the Heffley family to contend with and it looks like Greg might be outnumbered. It could be a real dog of a summer ...

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Jeff Kinney, de son vrai nom Jeffrey Patrick Kinney, né le 19 février 1971 à Fort Washington dans le Maryland, est un concepteur de jeux et écrivain américain, auteur de livres pour enfants, parmi lesquels la série Journal d'un dégonflé.