Late night tales at the movies / Anthologie

CD audio

Edité par La Baleine | 2010

  • Paris, Texas / Ry Cooder
  • Midnight cowboy / John Barry
  • O venezia, venaga, venusia / Nino Rota
  • Getting nowhere in a hurry / Roy Budd
  • Gnossiene #3
  • Mad world / Michael Andrews
  • March of the siamese children
  • Adagio for strings / Samuel Barber
  • Cavatina
  • Wild signals / John Williams
  • Deborah's theme / Ennio Morricone
  • On her majesty's secret service / John Barry
  • Saigon / Francis Ford Coppola
  • Powaqqatsi / Philip Glass
  • Also sprach Zarathustra
  • Brooks was here / Thomas Newman
  • The office / Michael Kamen
  • Kill Bill teaser
  • Diamonds are forever / Shirley Bassey
  • Bullitt / Lalo Schifrin
  • The day the earth stood still / Bernard Herrmann
  • Tubular bells / Mike Oldfield
  • All the animals come out at night / Bernard Hermann
  • Dead already / Thomas Newman
  • The chase / Giorgio Moroder
  • The shawshank redemption trailer / Thomas Newman
  • Merry christmas Mr. Lawrence / Ryuichi Sakamoto
  • Ode to joy
  • Al Capone / Ennio Morricone
  • The pink panther theme / Henry Mancini
  • Halloween main theme
  • Theme from Shaft / Isaac Hayes
  • Baby elephant walk / Henry Mancini
  • Opening night - lobby, overture / Gene Wilder
  • Tears in rain / Vangelis
  • Purple rain / Prince
  • Horse / Thomas Newman
  • We have all the time in the world / Louis Armstrong
  • Scissorhands-the grand finale / Danny Elfman
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Livre - 2021 - La chute du soleil de fer / Maxe L'Hermenier

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