The Burnout / Sophie Kinsella


Kinsella, Sophie

Edité par Penguin books | 2024

Sasha is well and truly over it all : work (all-consuming), friendships (on the back burner), sex-life (non-existent). Armed with good intentions to cleanse and relax, she heads to the Devon resort she loved as a child. But it's off-season, the hotel is falling apart and she has to share the beach with a grumpy, stressed-out guy called Finn. How can she commune with nature when he's sitting on a rock, watching her suspiciously ? But when curious messages start appearing on the beach, Sasha and Finn are forced to begin talking - about everything. What's the mystery ? Why are they both burned out ? And what exactly is "manifesting" anyway ? They might discover that they have more in common than they think...

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Sophie Kinsella, née le 12 décembre 1969 à Londres, est une femme de lettres britannique.