(The) perfect hope / Nora Roberts

(The) Inn BoonsBoro trilogy, volume 03


Roberts, Nora

Edité par Piatkus | 2012

The Montgomery brothers have been the talk of Boonsboro, ever since they decided to renovate the old Inn into an intimate and handsome new Bed and Breakfast.Beckett and Owen have both found love in the process, but what of Ryder, the third Montgomery brother? Can the Inn Boonsboro weave its magic one more time?Ryder is the hardest Montgomery brother to figure out - with a tough-as-nails outside and possibly nothing too soft underneath. He's surly and unsociable, but when he straps on a tool belt, no woman can resist his sexy swagger. Except, apparently, Hope Beaumont, the innkeeper of his own Inn BoonsBoro. Hope may not be perfect, but could she be the perfect match for Ryder...?The Inn BoonsBoro trilogy comes to a triumphant and richly satisfying close in this warm, witty and captivating novel.

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Nora Roberts, née Eleanor Marie Robertson le {{Date de naissance|10 octobre 1950|en littérature}} à Silver Spring dans le Maryland, est une romancière américaine spécialisée dans les romans d'amour et les thrillers psychologiques. La série de romans mettant en scène le lieutenant Eve Dallas a été publiée aux États-Unis sous le pseudonyme de J. D. Robb. Elle a vendu plus de 400 millions de livres et est traduite dans plus de 26 langues.